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预订Using IBM SPSS Statistics:An Interactive Hands-On Approach

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预订SPSS for Psychologists

预订SPSS for Psychologists

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预订Student Study Guide With IBM (R) SPSS (R) Workbook for Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications

预订Student Study Guide With IBM (R) SPSS (R) Workbook for Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications

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预订SPSS 20:A Practical Guide

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预售 林晓芳《统计学:SPSS操作与应用》五南

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预订Doing Quantitative Research in Education with IBM SPSS Statistics

预订Doing Quantitative Research in Education with IBM SPSS Statistics

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预售 商管研究资料分析:SPSS的应用(4版) 华泰文化 蔡义清

预售 商管研究资料分析:SPSS的应用(4版) 华泰文化 蔡义清

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