
按需印刷Spotify, Music for Everyone 纸质书 平装 64页 英语原版书 [9782808002394]

按需印刷Spotify, Music for Everyone 纸质书 平装 64页 英语原版书 [9782808002394]

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现货 Magazine B BRAND Spotify No.95期 B杂志95期 本期主题:Spotify 流媒体音乐服务平台 英文版

现货 Magazine B BRAND Spotify No.95期 B杂志95期 本期主题:Spotify 流媒体音乐服务平台 英文版

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预售正版  斯凡.卡尔森声入Spotify:瑞典小新创如何颠覆音乐产业商业模式,改变人们收听习惯?宝鼎

预售正版 斯凡.卡尔森声入Spotify:瑞典小新创如何颠覆音乐产业商业模式,改变人们收听习惯?宝鼎

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预订Spotify Teardown:Inside the Black Box of Streaming Music

预订Spotify Teardown:Inside the Black Box of Streaming Music

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按需印刷The theory of access replacing ownership on the example of spotify[9783640795260]

按需印刷The theory of access replacing ownership on the example of spotify[9783640795260]

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现货 威尔.佩奇 泰山经济学:从Spotify看善用破坏性创新转型的八大原则 远流

现货 威尔.佩奇 泰山经济学:从Spotify看善用破坏性创新转型的八大原则 远流

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按需印刷The Economics Impact of Access versus Ownership. An Analysis of Spotify[9783668359468]

按需印刷The Economics Impact of Access versus Ownership. An Analysis of Spotify[9783668359468]

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